Go Lift
UX Design | Mobile App | Branding
User testing
Case study
User experience
User interface
When traveling to a new area or just trying to get into exercising it’s difficult to find a gym that works best for all of your wants and needs.
Find a gym would be easier if users got to see the information they are interested about and then save and compare the gyms they are looking at.
Go Lift is designed to help find a gym based off the users preference to help them compare gyms and have exercise tutorials to aid new users.
Additions that came from feedback because of usability testing
By doing usability testing designers were able to help make comments on small errors such as adding back buttons on the survey and minor typography edits. Users who said they would use the app wanted options such as swiping for the save section. While watching them, seeing how they interacted showed how the usability of buttons and navigating through the app could be improved.